Friday 18 January 2013

intro to my humble blog:)

Assalamualaikum n hi..

first of all I know NOTHING about blogs n nie first time nk try mencorat coret..why??emmm..dh lama simpan niat nk wat blog tp asyik postpone..kali nie arap sangat menjadi..'menjadi' as in continuous.ceq xmau dh hangat2 tahik burung *asyik ayam je kasi can sma burung skit,dia pown boleh produce warm tahik maaaa*..hehhehe..another reason is dat I want to improve my writing skill*lame* n the most important reason is dat I believe klau ak ad blog mayb ak akn try harder to make my life more meaningful..*lame again*hehhe..
dis is definitely not me.kahkahkah

so ciaw for now..anyeong!(yuppp..ak minat korea gak tp xfanatik tahap gaban k)..